Township Board – Elected Officials

Please choose one of the links below to view more information about the individuals who were elected to run the general law Township of Burt.

Officials were elected November 5, 2024. 

grand marais history

Supervisor – Jon Babbitt

The Township Supervisor is one of the three main offices of the elected government. The Supervisor is considered the spokesperson of the Township.

Clerk – Lori McShane

The Township Clerk is one of the three main offices of the elected government. When the Supervisor is not available, the Clerk is in charge. The Clerk’s primary responsibility is conducting elections, maintaining the general ledger (accounting), and maintaining the records.

Treasurer – Sara Secrest

The Township Treasurer is one of the three main offices of the elected government. When the Supervisor and Clerk are not available, the Treasurer is in charge. The Treasurer’s primary responsibility is collecting taxes.

Trustees – Tim Jenkins & Paul Williams (Tim) (Paul)

Township Trustees are township legislators and are required to vote on issues. They are responsible for the Township’s fiduciary health. The Township Board can assign other duties to the Trustees. There are two Trustees on the Burt Township Board.