Open: May 1st – October 15th
Harbor Master: Dick Williamson
Main Phone: 906-291-1738
(You may call or text this number)
Off Season: 906-494-2381
Location: 21783 Coast Guard Point Grand Marais, MI 49839
46° 41′ 05″ N ~ 85° 58′ 15″ W

The Burt Township Marina offers a boat launch, transient dockage, gasoline and diesel fuel, electrical outlets, water hook-ups, and a pump-out station.
The daily launch fee is $10. The annual launch permit is $60 and may be purchased at the Township Office. A launch permit application and a copy of your drivers license is required.
*New this year – we have fish cleaning station passes. Contact the harbor master with any questions.

Safety should come first when going out on Lake Superior. Lake Superior storms are treacherous and they can come up without a moments notice.