Work Orders
Contact the township office manager at (906) 494-2381 to schedule work orders. Do not leave requests on the messaging system.
Provide 48-hour notice for all water turn on/ turn off order requests.
Water Department hours are 7AM- 3PM Monday-Friday.
Water Emergencies Dial 9-1-1
A water emergency would be a water main break or large leak. Our crew is on call 24 hours a day for emergencies only.
2024 Water Rates
Residential…..$48 base fee + $7.28 per 1,000 gallons usage
Resolution 2023-03-01 Establishing Water Rates
Burt Township has a type one municipal water system. Municipal Water is available to most businesses and residences in the “Grand Marais” village limits. A monthly fee is assessed for “ready to use” service. A breakdown of fees is available in the amended Burt Township Water Ordinance.
The Township employs three water operators who are responsible for maintenance of the groundwater system, a water billing clerk who sends out payment books, invoices, statements and receives payments, and a water administrator who oversees the operation of the department.

New Installation or Change of Ownership
If you are needing a new water system installed, contact the township office. If you are selling your property, the new owners must fill out and send in this form. You will continue to be billed if we do not get notification of the change. If you have a renter in your home who is supposed to pay the water bill, check on it periodically – the owner of the record is ultimately responsible for the payment of the water and it can be put on the property tax bill as a lien for collection if in arrears. You can pick-up a copy of the New Customer / Change of Ownership Form at the township office.
- 2023 Resolution Establishing Water Rates
- Water Quality Reports
- Burt Township Water Rules & Rates
- Water Department Per-and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS)
PFAS Results / PFAS Informational Video - Flushing your house plumbing system when water services are restored – Step by step instruction
- Wellhead Protection Plan
- WATER SYSTEM EMERGENCY – Maintenance, Repair, Shut Off – When it is necessary to turn off water to parts of the township, residents in the affected area will be contacted by phone, in person, or by written notice. If at all possible, the water department will schedule water system improvements, repairs or maintenance that involve turning off water to some residents during times when it will least affect the consumers.