
Derek Morrison, Assessor

408 E Varnum St.,
Munising, MI 49862

(906) 202-2699

Burt Township Offices has broadband internet access available to the public to access online to our assessment services.The public can access BS&A online to view parcel information by going to:

Burt Township Board welcomes Derek Morrison as the Township Assessor effective April 1, 2017. He is in the office periodically, and can be reached at the above forms of contact for questions. 

MCL 41.61 permits the township board to provide for the appointment of assessors for the township who have all the powers and duties of the supervisor in the assessment of property. The supervisor remains the chief assessing officer and the assessors are, in all cases, subordinate to the supervisor.

Where the supervisor is not a certified assessor or has not received a conditional six-month certification or where he or she is a newly elected or appointed supervisor without normal certification, the township board must employ a certified assessor to perform the assessing functions and sign the roll. The conditional six-month certification is not available to a township with a state equalized valuation in excess of $125 million (MCL 211.10d). If an assessor is not employed by the township, the county tax or equalization department or the State Tax Commission must perform the assessment functions and prepare the assessment roll at the expense of the township, which can be quite costly.

The completed assessment roll is deposited with the supervisor for appropriate handling. Assessors are compensated as determined by the township board. The use of an assessor is particularly necessary if the supervisor is not certified at the sufficient level or if the township is sufficiently developed that it is impossible for one person to perform the assessing function.

Principal Residence Exemption

Principal Residence Exemption (PRE) exempts a principal residence from the tax levied by a local school district for operating purposes, up to 18 mills.
Principal residence means the dwelling that you own and occupy as your permanent home and any unoccupied adjoining or contiguous properties that are classified residential or timber-cut over. Owners are defined in MCL 211.7dd(a). Only the owner listed in MCL 211.7dd(a) are eligible to claim the exemption.
Occupying means this is your principal residence, the place that you reside in as your permanent residence and if absent intend to return. It should be the address that appears on your driver’s license and voter registration card. Vacation homes, seasonal homes, and income property are not occupied as your principal residence and may not be claimed.
Claiming a PRE: To claim a PRE, complete this Affidavit and file it with your township or city of the year of the claim. A valid affidavit filed on or before June 1 allows an owner to receive a PRE on the current year summer and winter tax levy and subsequent tax levies so long as it remains the owner’s principal residence. A valid affidavit filed after June 1 and on or before November 1 allows an owner to receive a PRE on the current winter tax levy and subsequent tax levies so long as it remains the owner’s principal residence. 

State of Michigan Treasury Form 2368 PRE

Board of Review

State of Michigan Treasury Form 618, L-4035 Petition to Board of Review

Board of Review Members
-Calvin McShane
-Molly Tavenner
-Victor Senk
-Al Larsen, Alternate